Pre-mobility materials for Valencia March/2017

DOCX file: Pre-mobility_tasks_-_Valencie_2017

Pre-mobility materials for Valencia March/2017

1. Silent Threats – presentation

Each partner will bring a presentation concerning the topic of Silent threats (namely noise and, possibly, light pollution) in their region. Here are some issues that might be addressed in the presentation:

* Is your city/town endangered by noise/light pollution?

* What are the sources of such pollution?

* Is there any chance of their reduction?

* Is it likely that the pollution will be reduced in near future?

* How are people suffering from the effects of such pollution in short-term / long-term perspective?

* Is there any legislation governing noise/light pollution in your country?

* How efficient is this legislation? Why?

* Are there any citizen initiatives focused on reducing such pollution?

* What do they try to achieve? By what means?

* etc.

2. Sounds in European languages – online survey

Each school will carry out an online survey testing if the students have basic knowledge of the specific features of their own as well as of partners’ languages. The survey will be prepared by Czech partner. Other partners are responsible for the fact that their students will take part in the survey.

3. Sounds in European languages – presentation

Each partner prepares a presentation about the phonetic and phonological specifics of their language as compered to its closest languages:

Czech partner: compares Czech, Slovak and Polish

Spanish partner: compares Catalan, Castilian and Valencinian

Norwegian/Swedish partner: joint presentation on Norwegian, Swedish and Danish

The presentation should address:

* results of the survey

* typical or unique sounds in the above mentioned languages

* instruction on how to pronounce the unique characters correctly (the instruction can be given just for the native languages of the partners)

* recorded extracts for comparison of spoken languages (= examples of Czech, Slovak, Polish, Norwegian, Danish, etc.)

* practical part – can students distinguish the words from the contrasting 3 languages and guess correctly the language?

example of a test question: Word „raňajky“ is a) Czech b) Slovak c) Polish

(This should be done through tool, so that participants can vote for their answers and get feedback immediately.)

4. 100 lifesaving phrases – a list of the most important phrases in all partner languages and in English

The basic English list will be created by Czech partner until the 10th February 2017, then it will be made available to the other partners, who will complete translation in their languages.

The list should be ready until the end of February 2017 and actively encouraged in usage in the Spanish mobility.