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Key Action 2: Innovation and good practices


Registration number: 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023866

El que lee mucho y viaja mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho

(Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra) –

The One Who Reads A Lot and Travels A Lot, Sees A Lot and Knows A Lot


Partner Organisations:

Slezské gymnázium, Opava, p. o., The Czech republic

Polarsirkelen videregående skole, Mo i Rana, Norway

Gymnasium Västerhöjd Skövde, Sweden

IES Campanar, Valencia, Spain




C1 Air pollution, human impact on landscape, Opava,The Czech republic



Our programme aims to show how landscape and people interact within one region of Europe (Czech Silesia). During the mobility exchange the participants will experience various kinds of cultured landscape: a landscape changed to give pleasure and joy (Hradec nad Moravicí), a landscape changed to provide for people who labour on it (Choltice), a landscape marked by ruthless industrial exploitation (Ostrava region), and a landscape turned into a memorial of human courage, patriotism and self-sacrifice (WWII fortification in Darkovičky). This will lead all participants to the realization of great responsibility each of us has not only for the place where they live, but also for the global space they share with others.

To press this point further, the participants will take part in environmental sessions where they will find out about the biggest problem of Czech Silesia – air pollution. As the hosting school has been interested in this topic for a long time, it is able to offer complex information on this issue. A student initiative called Emissions has developed a programme promoting the education of local citizens in terms of correct heating and minimizing the negative effects.

Finally, all participants will be led to think about what they had learnt and transform it into a useful and near-professional media product.

Activities before the mobility:

Each country makes an oral and digital presentation – in English and/or Spanish – with pictures, films etc., of the economic, environmental and climatic importance of air pollution and its handling

During the mobility:

1. Official school welcome and principal’s address, introducing the host school

2. A tour of the city centre of Opava. Czech students prepare short presentations and give a guided tour to the rest of the group, incoming students complete a task sheet covering the highlights of the tour; the tour will include the visit of the watch tower Hláska and Silesian Museum, where students will cooperate in nationally mixed groups to solve tasks concerning geography, history and socio-cultural background of Silesia

3. Official meeting and address at Opava Town Hall (will be included in the aforementioned tour)

4. Meteorology and emissions lab. This session will be conducted in accordance with Emissions project working as Slezské gymnázium. All participants are going to learn how to read, process and analyse data connected with different aspects of air pollution, they will also get actively involved in conducting chemistry lab experiments demonstrating the effects of air pollution on nature and human body; participating schools will prepare presentations on air pollution in the respective countries/ regions / hometowns / households showing the strategies of its reduction. The presentations will be used as a basis for discussion, therefore, they must contain interactive input; students will calculate their carbon footprint, compare environmental issues in their respective countries and subsequently their impact on the population in their region. Then, students in nationally mixed groups prepare a set of statements/suggestions on how to reduce air pollution This document called Declaration of Consciousness will become a constituent part of Emissions project in the future.

5. Landscapes workshop – students take part in 4 excursions to different types of landscapes changed by human activities a) industrial landscape of Ostrava Vítkovice (science show-workshop Civilization and Tree of Life at Science and Technology Center) b) rural landscape of Rožnov pod Radhoštěm and Štramberk with its historic village (a short performance in Spanish language is going to be staged, based on the interpretation of the stories of Don Quijote, and performed by the students of the host school) c) the line of World War Two fortification in Darkovičky d) refined castle area in Hradec nad Moravicí; during the excursions all participants take photos and record video footage; later, students will be instructed to cut, edit and present a short video showing changes of the landscapes and how they emotionally affected them; these short films will be presented, after which the other groups will give feedback and finally vote for the best video; all videos will be published on the project bolg for later use.

6. Workshop “Personal journey of the landscapes”– students take part in forest/area cleaning in the woods near Opava (= host town). The activity is organised by the employees of Lesy České republiky, who will also provide schooling on the most burning issues (deforestation, private vs. state-owned woods, illnesses of the trees, influence of emissions on the forests, etc.).

Further, students will participate in a workshop focused on tree planting and tree pruning, which will give them practical experience of taking care of various types of woody plants. They will find out about the right time for planting and pruning as well as about the correct procedures.

C2 Noise and sound – tool, problem, pleasure, Valencia, Spain

March 2017


The physical sound is any phenomenon involving the propagation of elastic waves in the form (audible or not), generally through a fluid (or other elastic means) generating the vibratory movement of a body.

The sound is humanly audible sound waves that occur when the fluctuations in air pressure are converted into mechanical waves in the human ear and perceived by the brain. Acoustic phonetics focuses its interest especially in speech sounds: how they are generated, how they are perceived, and how they are described and quantified.

Our project covers various areas of sound: Environmental noise, phonics, the sounds of nature, music and playful sounds.

Environmental noise affects a large number of Europeans. The public perceives it as one of the major environmental problems. Even though these impacts on human health have long been known, recent research shows that they arise at lower noise levels than was previously thought. In phonetic part of the project we will analyze the different sounds that exist in languages used by the project participants. From the sounds of nature we will enjoy two very different sounds, birds and dolphins. Finally also let’s try sound like a source of fun, let’s play music with valencian instruments and attend a mascletá.

List of activities:

Before the mobility:

Each country makes an oral and digital presentation – in English and/or Spanish – with pictures, films etc., on the economic and environmental importance and function of Silent threats

Each country conducts an online survey examining the awareness of language sounds at the respective home schools. Further each country prepares a short talk on the dominant phonetic features of their languages.

During the mobility:

1. Official school welcome and principal’s address, introducing the host school

2. A tour of the city centre of Valencia – learning the history of the city of Valencia, visiting the city council and monuments

3. Visit to the Technical Service Facilities Noise Pollution of Valencia (The workshop aims at educating secondary school students in the area of the causes and effects of noise in order to contribute to a better quality of life.)

4. The sounds of nature: workshop organized by SEO / BirdlLife on the sounds of birds, workshop organized by the City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia(CAC) on the sound dolphins

5. Sounds in the world’s languages: workshop on the phonetics of the different languages of the participants; the presentation will also include the body language, which can be diversified according to a country’s customs; this material will be used for the needs of flipped classroom method in students´home countries. We will also take advantage of the fact that the partners come from three different language branches of Europe – Slavic, Germanic and Romance. It will provide an ideal opportunity to compare typical sounds. We plan to carry out a survey in the homeschools examining the knowledge of typical phonetic features of partners‛ languages. We mean to focus on the differences between Czech/Slovak/Polish; Norwegian/Swedish/Danish; Catalan/Castilian/Valencian. Finally, a comparative vocabulary of 100 lifesaving phrases (in English, Spanish, Czech, Norwegean and Swedish) will be compiled and put into use during mobilities.

6. The effect of noise on the learning process: workshop of BCI (Brain Computer Interface – a tool developed by the department of pedagogy of IES Campanar); the influence of noise on the concentration of a student will be studied

7. Valencia typical musical instruments: a workshop and a display dealing with the use of the autochthonous music instruments of Valencia

8. Enjoy the most typical sound spectacle of Valencia: the Mascletá, enjoy the sound as festive factor,observe the Valencian traditions.

C3 Fresh water, salt water, frozen water, Mo i Rana, Norway

October 2017


Our program uses as its point of departure our geographical location: a community built on the banks of a big river, at the end of a long and deep fjord, surrounded by great lakes and in the close vicinity of one of the biggest glaciers in Europe. It reflects the enormously important part played by water in shaping our surroundings and climate, and the various functions of water in its different forms: food, communication, energy, sports and leisure. One important element will be the observation of ongoing climate changes, and the possible effects. The activities will take the students through the area and community to observe, learn, be inspired and, eventually, create – take photos and produce texts. The most important activities are visits to a hydroelectric power plant inside the mountain, a visit to a fish farm and an excursion to and on the glacier, with experienced guides, that includes an overnight stay in a trekking lodge at the glacier’s edge. Through the activities, the students will be given the opportunity to observe, learn and reflect on the element of water in its various forms and functions, and the effects of the climate changes they can observe first-hand. These activities will lead to the final event: The big exhibition of photos accompanied by texts in Spanish, English and Norwegian, created and produced during the mobility. This will be an event open to everybody: The rest of the school, local politicians, the media and the population in general. The exhibition will also have a digital version, so that the other partner schools may use it in their communities, with the texts in Spanish, English and the local language.

List of activities:

Before the mobility:

Each country makes an oral and digital presentation – in English and/or Spanish – with pictures, films etc., of the economic, environmental and climatic importance and function of the local waterways. I.e: The Czech group: the Opava River; the Spanish group: Rio Turia/the Sea and the harbour; the Swedish group: Lakes Väneren, Vättern and Hornboga; the Norwegian group: the Sea/the rivers and lakes/the glacier.)

During the mobility:

1. Official welcome lunch in the school restaurant

2. Official welcome in the school and the Town Hall, a stroll through the center of Mo I Rana

3. A set of environmental workshops: a) Workshop on different types of filtration (O2, sand, gravel, brown coal, stones, wadding, filter paper) b) Workshop on energy saving with the demonstration of different types of bulbs and their benefits; schooling on the symbols of green power. c) Workshop on the model of greenhouse gases

4. A visit to a hydroelectric plant inside the mountain. Students and teachers will go there by bus, and this involves a tour along the rivers and lakes of the district. Students will learn about the importance of water as our main energy source, how hydroelectri plants work and operate, how this particular form of energy – “green” energy, and therefore very important in our day and age – has been vital in shaping the industrial community we live in, the importance of hydroelectric energy in Norway in general – and in the world.

5. Excursion and overnight stay at the glacier. The students will be accommodated in the trekking lodge situated between the lake and the glacier. They will learn about the glacier and the surroundings, and be asked to reflect on topics such as the esthetic vs. the economic value of a landscape, the economic exploitation of natural resources, e.g. for tourism, and explore and reflect on the concept of sustainability. Short, basic Norwegian course. Storytelling in the evening, in English and Spanish. Next day: an excursion on the glacier with equipment and guides. The students will learn more about glaciers, observe the ongoing changes due to the warming of the climate, and reflect on possible causes.

6. Excursion to the island of Lovund. On this excursion, the students (in addition to crossing the Arctic Circle) will visit an island where people have lived for 9000 years, due to the abundance of fish in the surrounding sea. The sea continues to be a source of food for the 21th century population of Norway – and the rest of the world, and we will visit a salmon farm. They will learn how to distinguish fresh

fish meat, clean the fish and conservate it in a correct way, they will examine different types of seafood and its preparation. The students will learn about the history of fishing communities along the Arctic coast of Norway, and about modern-day production of seafood. During the stay there will also be a short visit to the colony of puffins found on the island. Possible effects of the climate changes on wildlife and the production of seafood will be explored and discussed.

7. Creativity workshop. Production of short texts and poems inspired by the impression from the different excursions. Selection and printing out of photos and texts, and staging an exhibition.

C4 Protected areas, rights of public access and plant protection, Skövde, Sweden

April 2018


An investigation of the Swedish Rights of Public Access, the rights to spend free time in open air, move freely and roam in nature. But there are some things we must keep in mind when we are out walking, camping, climbing or doing something else in the countryside.

Our aim is that the students learn about and get to know these rights. They become conscious of what a citizen may, or may not do in nature. They also reflect on the responsibilities that we all have and understand that nature is a capital that all citizens are owners to and all citizens can enjoy that if they respect it.

To achieve these goals we will have a conference to introduce the students to The Right of Public Access. A representative of the association “Friluftsfrämjandet”, the Swedish association for outdoor recreation and education, will be delegated to do that. It will be followed by a trekking experience in a part of the trail on the hill of Billingen and to the the lake of Hornborga. We will visit “Trandansen” to watch the cranes and “Naturum Hornborgasjön”to see an exhibition about the history of the lake and its bird life, a beautiful slide show, a viewing tower with a lift. ”Fågeludden” is one of the very best places at the lake to watch birds, like grebe, ducks, coots, wading birds and black-headed gulls.

In order to increase the knowledge about the recreation area of Billingen and the outdoor activities practiced there, the participants will meet the leaders of the orienteering club IF Hagen. They will show the students how to read an orienteering map and how to use a compass. They will prepare some activities to practice this sport. At the final orienteering competition all students and staff of the hosting school will be invited to participate.

Finally, in order to display the acquired knowledge, the students will take part in discussion conducted in internationally mixed groups with the aim to conclude the so called Ten Green Comandments and make posters that would illustrate each of them, which will be publicly displayed at the Västerhöjd upper secondary school.

A a long-term achievement we will also create an online herbal where the photographs that students have taken on Billingen and at the Lake Hornborga (as well as those that partner students have taken in their home countries and brought with them) will be displayed in a united format.

The output materials will be disseminated by offering them to local municipal authorities.

These tasks will contribute to the achievement of learning aims in various subjects in addition to Spanish, such as Natural Sciences (through learning geographic and botanic vocabulary), Latin (through learning the names of the plants and flowers in Latin), Media Productions (through ITC tools).

List of activities:

Before the mobility:

Each country makes an oral and digital presentation – in English and/or Spanish – with pictures, films etc., of the economic and environmental importance and function of the Rights of Public Access and outdoor activities.

Each country prepares 15 typical plants. Each plant will constitute one page in the online herbal. Swedish partner will provide an example page which will be copied by all partners, giving instruction about the layout and necessary components of the page.

During the mobility:

1. Official school welcome and principal’s address

2. A guided tour of the city centre of Skövde

3. A presentation by a representative of ”Friluftsfrämjandet”. The meaning of the Swedish Environmental Civil Rights, which activities you can do, how you can enjoy nature.

4. Nationally mixed groups discussion. The Swedish Rights of Public Access and the situation in other countries. Reflection on what they have in common and what the differences are between the countries and how they manage this area of citizen rights. The output is the formulation of Ten Green Commandments, which will later be transformed into a set of posters illustrating each commandment and presenting it in an engaging form to the viewers/public.

5. A trekking experience. Walking a part of the Billing trail to enjoy the nature and to experience how to respect Nature in a practical way. A teacher of Natural Sciences will guide the students on an outing. Students put in practice the indications of “Friluftsfrämjandet” about the rights of access. To complete this a workshop on enviromental signs and labels will be carried out. Students will explore traditional signs and come up with their alternative versions.

6. Visit to Hornborga and Naturum to experience nature and the variety of birds. We will especially pay attention to the fact why the cranes are resting here and what is done so the cranes stay here on their way to the North.

7. Creation of an online herbal where the photographs of the plants and their descriptions will be featured. The herbal will be places on the blog and gradually extended.

8. An orienteering workshop, competition.