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Key Action 2: Innovation and good practices


Registration number: 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023866

El que lee mucho y viaja mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho

(Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra) –

The One Who Reads A Lot and Travels A Lot, Sees A Lot and Knows A Lot



A1 Creating Erasmus+ Club at each partner school, which will be open for all students and teachers. As a part of the Club opening a slogan and logo are going to be chosen from the students’ creative designs. Action teams A and B will be set up.

A2 Setting up the project blog for sharing all output materials.

A3 Pre-mobility presentations based on specific topics of respective mobilities. The presentations will be used during the mobility and then uploaded onto the blog. A video-invitation to the hosting school, which will be presented always at the end of the preceding mobility, and then put on the blog.

A4 School magazine presentation – a section of the school magazine will be regularly devoted to providing information about ongoing project activities.

A5 Competition in Spanish language Cuenta cuento (i. e. Tell a story) on an environmental topic.

A6 Collecting unusual recycling materials – lightbulbs, batteries, unused electronics. It will be a one-day event, a video mapping the event will be shot and shared on blog. It will be a co-ordinate event held simultaneously at all partner schools.

A7 Creating a set of environmentally themed desktop photos to be shared by all project partners.

A8 Arbor vitae (i. e. Tree of Life) photo competition – electronic collection of photos will be made. The topic of the photos will be interesting trees groving in the vicinity of partner schools. The collection will be open to voting for the most beautiful tree according to given criteria.

A9 Registration of partners in the activity called EUROPEAN SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WEEK (ESDW) Following the registration, partners will prepare activities for two Environmental days, which will be held simultaneously at all partner schools. The connections will be made through Facebook, Skype and Youtube channels. Environmental Day I (5th June 2017) initiatives will be prepared to promote the use of local sources in food manufacturing – the initiative will be aimed especially at protesting about coconut and palm oils. An exhibition will show the products that do not contain these oils. Further lectures and workshops will be held on nutrition problems and healthy eating habits. Tasting sessions will be organised where students will be able to explore connections between taste, smell and visual look of different foods. All output materials (video, photos, visuals) will be shared on the blog.

A10 A co-operation with local nursery schools: a) painting competition How I imagine a perfect place for life b) creating Sensorial bare foot route – here the activity will also support children with sensorial handicaps

A11 Project progress monitoring report

A12 Competition in English language – same source language text (in English) will be translated into native languages of partners (Czech, Spanish, Norwegian and Spanish). The source text will have environmental topic.

A13 Creating visuals – sets of environmental posters focused on sustainable development, nature-friendly behaviour and healthy lifestyle. The posters should address a specific problems and suggest sollutions (e.g. exchanging normal lightbulbs for LED bulbs results in saving 75 % of energy). Voting for the best poster will follow. The posters will be exhibited in schools and on the blog.

A14 Environmental Day II (5th June 2018) Initiatives will be prepared to support green transportation and promote cycling and walking as the healthiest ways of moving around towns. Practical campaigns will be organised – e.g. Come to school by bike event. All resulting outputs and data will be shared on the blog. Students will also hold an exhibition and environmentally friendly products. They will gain better awarness of eco-friendly certifications, signs and labels.

A15 Final monitoring report