Project meeting on 11th November 2016

Project meeting on 11th November 2016

1. Evaluation of the current stage of the project and the partner visit in Opava – different opportunities of the project partner countries were discussed, strengths and weaknesses were outlined.

2. Reciprocity Agreement – document was read, partners made sure that they understand the agreement in the same way. Reciprocal service concerns food and accommodation during the mobility. It was proposed that students who paid the costs of commuting for their guest should be given a financial compensation. The Reciprocity Agreement was then signed.

3. Setting a date for the mobility in Valencia – the project mobility will be held from 8th March to 15th March 2017. This date is a compromise because of the examination which will be in progresss at the Spanish partner school and also due to school holiday connected with the Fallas festival.

4. One coordinator from each partner school will be given access rights to the project blog and will be authorized to add content.

5. Any necessary changes made in the schedule of the activities or in the programme of the mobilities have to be consulted with the National Agency in the respective country. All changes must have a serious reason, which will be explained in written form. The consent of the National Agency to the proposed change will be filed and will become a part of project documentation.

6. Co-ordination of the common activities from November 2016 to March 2017 – there will be common activities: in December the competition Cuenta cuento and on 21st February 2017 all schools will hold a collection of the less usual garbage, such as light bulbs, batteries and aluminum.

In Opava on 11th November 2016 Author: Zdeňka Morcinková