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Key Action 2: Innovation and good practices


Registration number: 2016-1-CZ01-KA219-023866

El que lee mucho y viaja mucho, ve mucho y sabe mucho

(Miguel de Cervantes y Saavedra) –

The One Who Reads A Lot and Travels A Lot, Sees A Lot and Knows A Lot


Description of the project:

The basic rationale of the project is to develop environmental consciousness in the students of all partner schools and in communities. The project follows multiple objectives that should support this rationale. Firstly, students will develop understanding of some of the most important environmental processes and issues, e.g. air pollution, role of emissions in greenhouse effect, water energy and its practical use, protection of plant species, marine ecology, sound pollution, public access to natural heritage etc. Secondly, students will acquire some practical skills, such as glacier tracking skills, orienteering, fish cleaning, plant identification, tree pruning and planting, conducting lab experiments, noise level measuring and monitoring etc. Thirdly, students will develop emotional bondage with the topic through transforming their experiences into creative results, like short films, posters, labels, poems, translations and various blog commentaries. In this way, the proposed project caters for all three basic target areas of any educational process – the level of knowledge, the level of skills and the level of personal values.

The Czech partner is interested in air pollution in the long run. Its Emissions project has been repeatedly supported by The Ministry of the Environment. Nowadays, Slezské gymnázium strives to get this project abroad. They want to raise an international debate on ensuring clean and breathable air for all EU

citizens. They also want to connect the problem of air pollution with the related issues, such as global warming, iceberg/glacier melting, reducing bio-diversity, overpopulation, reducing noise level etc. Cooperation with project partners will help to grasp these problems in European context.

The Spanish partner has been interested in the influence of noise on human organism and concentration in the long run. As a partner school seated in the largest city, they have to cope with noise pollution on daily basis. The proposed project would be a good way of sharing the already discovered knowledge as well as extending it by comparing experience. Further, Valencian mascletá explores noise as a stress reliever and connecting element.

The Norwegian partner has already conducted a series of activities and initiatives centred on different water entities in their region. Norway, as one of the cleanest regions of Europe, is interested in keeping this status. This requires European co-operation, because water system works as interconnected organism. The proposed project explores water potentials of partner countries. All partners will realise the impact of water pollution on their immediate area and in European context.

The Swedish partner faces the growing withdrawal of young people from outdoor activities. The project would offer new, interesting perspectives on what nature has to offer to the contemporary youth. As Sweden is a country which has currently accommodated a number of migrants, an internationally based project will melt differences between native Swedish students and the „newcomers“. Environmental issue is universally accessible and the emphasised use of foreign languages does not disqualify the non-native students.