The mobility from Netherlands 2023 – An Article

As part of Erasmus+ project, some students from the second and third year were given the opportunity to participate in an exchange stay with the Dutch school Merletcollege from Cujik, the pronunciation of this city caused us serious problems.

On Saturday, our exchange students arrived in Prague, where our students took them and showed them the Old Town. They enjoyed wonderful views, not only from Prague Castle. Many of them also tasted trdelník or svíčková (traditional Czech sauce)

On Sunday, we met in Opava and we rushed to start our program.

The first day was devoted mainly to getting to know each other. There were familiarization games, presentations about schools, presentations of the history of our countries and tasting of typical food. In the afternoon, it was time to explore Opava, there was also an excursion to city hall called Hláska.

Tours of the castles in Hradec nad Moravicí and Raduň took place in the following days. On Wednesday came the highlight of the week, which was a trip to Karlova Studánka, and after tasting the frgal, the Zlaté hory awaited us together with a nice guide.

We ended our mobility with a joint dinner at the Gustissimo restaurant, where we enjoyed an endless amount of pizza and evaluated the week together. In the early Friday morning, we said goodbye at the station, wished them a happy journey and gave each other a few smalls souvenirs.

The whole week was in the spirit of legends and literature. Some of us compared Czech and Dutch legends, while others worked on a video about John A. Comenius.